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It will be observed that nearly all the churches reported havebeen blessed during the year with additions to their numbers,and that many have made improvements upon their property. TheSabbath-schools have everywhere received due attention, and much ofthe progress in the different churches has been made possible bythe earnest, prayerful and unremitting labors of our missionariesin this department of religious work. Missionary meetings andsocieties have been greatly encouraged and the cause of temperancewidely promoted. Many of the young converts have found their wayto institutions of learning, and many have engaged in teaching andmissionary service.
When it is taken into account that these young churches arereformed churches, and that their church life is a new experienceamong the colored people, where they shine as lights in the world,it will be readily seen, we think, that this branch of our workaugurs most hopefully a day of better things for the new South, andthat the hearts and hands of these brethren, whose letters will befound elsewhere, should be strengthened, and their numbers largelyincreased.
Let there be a strong pulpit in any community, and there will bestrong men around it, mentally and morally, though the schools areof the simplest. On the other hand, if the pulpit be weak and theoutcoming moral influences be feeble, though the schools be everso well equipped and endowed, the people around will lack highpurpose, and scholarship itself will be frivolous and effeminate,destitute of the rugged strength which comes to natures fed fromthe deep roots of moral earnestness and conviction.
The church, therefore, should be emphasized at all points andat all times. It should command for its preachers the best andthe ablest men. Both races need this. Only this can destroy theconditions which made it possible that white blood should now berunning in the veins of three-fourths of the colored people. TheSouthern pulpit has failed to sufficiently enforce either goodmorals or practical righteousness. For lack of this, slavery waspossible, and dueling and violence covered the land with blood.The remedy for this is a new and right system of moral teaching.This, we repeat, is the peculiar function of the pulpit. That thismay be made possible, churches pure and intelligent must beestablished all over the South. It should be done now, because weare laying the foundations and determining the character of thecoming generations. If the first crop of leaders are morally weak,they will enfeeble their successors, and perhaps vitiate the seedand the crop for all time to come.
It was a gaping, festering sore that was left by the fratricidalwar. A speedy healing was not to be expected. It took nearly acentury for the mother country and America to get over theirgrievance. There is much of encouragement that this later feud willbe more speedily composed. There have been some special influencesat work. The occurrence of the Centennial tended to divertattention from the old trouble, to arouse the spirit of patriotismand to abate ill-will. The prevalence of an epidemic at the Southfor two seasons gave the North an opportunity to express moral andmaterial sympathy, which did much to awaken reciprocal good-will onthe part of the people of that section.
I am glad to say that the religious state of the Lincoln MemorialChurch at present is good. It was organized the 10th of lastJanuary with eleven members. In April the Lord poured out a specialblessing upon us, the result of which was eight converts. Thechurch has doubled its membership since its organization. In thisrevival there was a little girl converted about nine years old, andan aged mother about seventy-five. We have had only one admitted tothe church by letter; ten on confession of faith. There is quitea large temperance work here carried on by Mrs. Babcock. Thistemperance society is known as the Lincoln Mission Band of Hope.
There has been an average attendance of 300 in Sunday-school. Fortystudents have been engaged in the Sunday-schools in the vicinity,three as superintendents and the remainder as teachers. One of theschools where the students have become interested has increased innumbers from 40 to over 200.
Thirty Bible students go out from the school on Sunday afternoonsto read to the old people. They are everywhere received with ahearty welcome by those who have been deprived of the privilegeswhich their children enjoy.
A Christian association has been formed in the school, so thatthose who come here from denominations that do not allow theirjoining our church may feel that they have duties here as Christianworkers. So far as possible, the thought of their individualresponsibility for the souls of those around them is impressed uponthem.
Last February and March were months of revival and ingathering. Thework commenced in the Storrs School, and the teachers there andin the Sunday-school had precious answers to prayer and preciousrewards of labor. Never was it more plain that church and schoolare strongly wedded and mutually helpful. Almost daily meetingswere held for several weeks, all quiet, orderly, solemn; shortsermons, many prayers and much individual testimony for the Lord.Rev. Henry E. Brown and wife and Brother J. E. Lathrop, of Macon,rendered good help to the pastor.
The church of Christ in Atlanta University is made up entirely ofteachers and pupils in that school, and so has a somewhat differentsphere from many of our sister churches. It now numbers 88 members,having received larger accessions during the past year than in anyother year of its history, 22 having joined, all save two uponprofession of faith.
While it is not a large church, it has had, and does have, a largeinfluence for good throughout the whole city; especially has itbeen the means of revolutionizing in the way of improvement theSunday-school work here and here-abouts.
We have a church of 60 members, and our work is growing in favorboth with white and colored; five have recently been added byprofession. Our Sunday-school is increasing in numbers andinterest. One young man has gone to the Hampton Institute to fithimself for a teacher. Our church property has been improved, and aparsonage erected at a cost of about $230, in connection with whichthere are ten acres of land. The field here is a promising one, andconsidering that the church has been organized only two years and ahalf, the progress of the work seems to us very encouraging.
There is a good attendance at Louisville, although but two haveunited with the church during my ministry. There is great needof temperance work among the people. The Sabbath-schools are intolerable good condition. We have very little church property, andwe are not able to keep what we have in good repair. 041b061a72