Your Trusted Organisational Excellence Assistant - Pack (1)+(2)+(3)
Service Description
The Puzzles - Pack (1) - analyse organisational RISKS & RISK MANAGEMENT quality to deliver a self-improving organisational DNA for businesses at any size. Key deliverables: 1. Full access to WE@WORK platform 2. Full access to 100 visually-explaining stories of workplace knowledge 3. Monthly E-tests & E-surveys customised for organisational literacy 4. Quarterly E-Reports on Organisational Risk Mapping & Risk Management Costs The Puzzles - Pack (2) - analyse organisational CONFLICTS & CONFLICT MANAGEMENT quality to deliver a self-improving organisational DNA for businesses at any size. 5. Monthly E-receipts of (non)anonymous grievances 6. 24/7 E-alerts of conflict cases with analysed conflict costs & benefits 7. Selective case-by-case E-mediation, E-conciliation & E-recommendations for conflict resolution 8. Quarterly E-Reports of Organisational Conflict Mapping & Conflict Management costs/benefits The Puzzles - Pack (3) - analyse organisational CHANGES & CHANGE MANAGEMENT quality to deliver a self-improving organisational DNA for businesses at any size. 9. $5000-in-value package of evaluating Organisational Policy Changes 10. Quarterly E-receipts of visually-explaining infographics of newly-introduced organisational policies 11. Bi-annual E-reports & E-proposals of Organisational Policy Change Management with cost analysis
Contact Details
Công Ty TNHH Respect Việt Nam, Ngõ 102 Trường Chinh, Phuong Mai, Đống Đa, Hanoi, Vietnam