RespectVN - 10/2021
FGL - Fashion Garments' Head of CSR & Communication - Ms. Khanh Doan - shares her insights about THE KNOW - RespectVN's flagship innovation which transforms FGL Hundreds of Employee Regulations into Employee-Centric & Fully Visualised Handbooks that inspire & support FGL employees on a daily working basis.
Recently, we have been working with Respect Vietnam on a very fascinating project. It is THE KNOW.
Hello I am Khanh Doan
I am in charge of CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility & Compliance at Fashion Garments
Recently, we have been working with Respect Vietnam on a very fascinating project. It is THE KNOW. We transform the 50-page publication with a number of Corporate Regulation into an INFOGRAPHIC Handbook, which is beautifully designed & easy to read, learn & apply.
We realised that Respect Vietnam could be a great partner when you want to translate your key messages in forms of lengthy, wordy, hard - to -read Labor Regulations, Codes of Conduct, etc. into much less wording, much more visuals, more images, infographics, pictures, etc., which help your workers, your employees read it right, get it right, follow companies' regulations.
We transform the 50-page publication with a number of Corporate Regulations into an INFOGRAPHIC Handbook
The biggest benefit I must say "We are in Industry 4.0. Reading a bulky, lengthy, wordy publication seems to be too tiresome. Simplifying, color-coding & transforming such a publication is really a flagship innovation led by Respect Vietnam.
RespectVN can transform the entire publication of 50 wordy pages into such beautifully & impressively designed infographics which are very friendly with our company's readers, managers, employees, workers ...
We believe that with this Handbook of Infographics, all of our employees will spend more time reading, enjoying, exploring & following with Company Regulations, Standards, Values, etc.
Not only this project, I believe that based on this project's success, we will continue cooperating with Respect Vietnam in further transforming our policies, standards, procedures, etc. into built-in platforms .. that our manpower can easily read, learn ... on their mobile phones ... Anywhere, any time
Read more about the KNOW here