Manual of Practices

What our leaders say
As we are advocates of anti-sexual harassment, we know that no one trusts our Code of Practices if our leaders don't act, overlooking bad behaviors and letting them "slide" away as if nothing happened. That is why we introduce our best leaders in this regard, who were voted by all AAA members based on their level of reputation, responsibility, and competencies.
As we are advocates of anti-sexual harassment, we know that no one trusts our Code of Practices if our leaders don't act, overlooking bad behaviors and letting them "slide" away as if nothing happens. That is why we introduce our best leaders in this regard, who were voted by all AAA members based on their level of reputation, responsibility, and competencies.
What our Ambassadors say
We believe in organizational justice & equal opportunities for all
If individuals in need of protection choose not to report directly to our best leaders, we Ambassadors who are voted by all employees are willing to listen to our members' voices or even seek supports from the third parties whomever you trust the most.
We can't guarantee that all issues will be solved within a day. However we make sure that they are received, tracked, communicated, & investigated at the highest level of responsibility so that truth is beheld, facts are protected, wrong-doings are not excused yet false accusation is not a source for unhealthy competitiveness
What makes us different (1)
We address not only ASHW but also other organization-wide practices
Sexual harassment can only be ended when unfair labor/management practices are conquered
Unfair labor/management practices can be anywhere & at any time. Therefore they should be monitored across a workplace relation cycle restructured from recruitment to separation -

What makes us different (2)
We address not only ASHW but also other organization-wide practices
Sexual harassment can only be ended when unfair labor/management practices are conquered.
At AAA Vietnam, we believe in the genuine relationship between Anti Sexual Harassment policies and other relevant Human Resource/Organisational Development - HR/OD - policies (ASHW+)
As ASHW is at the core of the system, it should be monitored in conjunction with cross-cutting & total-behavior-management policies such as Whistle-blowing Protection, Confidentiality, Integrity Non-retaliation & such employment policies as recruitment, remuneration, & discipline.
What our new ASHW+ means offer
(1) More types of evidences against sexual harassment are allowed
The biggest challenge in anti-sexual harassment is traceability. While ASHW means are not yet stipulated in related laws, AAA allows the following means of reporting or whistle-blowing in proof of the facts besides the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.
Recorded Phone Calls - Witness Statements - E mails - Voice Recorded - Original Photos/Videoclips
(2) Whistleblowing protection is prioritised
What our new ASHW+ means offer
What our new ASHW+ means offer
How victims report misconducts
ASHW+ Blue Forms to report misconducts & settle conflicts
At AAA, we don't just encourage reporting or whistleblowing via direct meetings, phone calls, or hotlines as these channels have drawbacks in traceability and grievance handling. We help victims report misconduct via THE BLUE FORM that makes integrity, accountability & communication easy. We used to call it "Easyform" back to 2013-2016
Contact us
66/102 Truong Chinh, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam | Tel: +84 888061222