15 February 2016
In 2013, WE@WORK was developed by RespectVN - the developer of sustainable workplace solutions in Vietnam - to turn dysfunctional conflicts into functional ones that lead to improvements or stop them from becoming disputes at work.
1. What is WE@WORK?
2. Seven phases in WE@WORK
3. The five most fundamental labor rights in WE@WORK
4. The four most fundamental employment functions in WE@WORK
WE@WORK aims to turn dysfunctional conflicts into functional ones or stop them from becoming costly disputes at work.
1. What is WE@WORK?
WE@work is the framework exclusively designed to turn dysfunctional conflicts into functional ones that lead to improvements or stop them from becoming disputes at work featuring the following:
•WE@work includes seven (7) phases in the relationship
•WE@work encompasses the 5 most fundamental labor standards
•WE@work encompasses the 4 most fundamental employment functions

2. Seven phases in WE@WORK
WE@work is designed to address dysfunctional conflicts & disputes at work through the most seven (7) typical phases that employers & employees normally go through:

We360 (1) - the gap in employees/employers' perceptions is studied in 360 degree
WeTALK - both sides have dialogue about their conflicts & disputes at work
WeTRACK - both sides' conflicts & disputes are tracked to analyse root-causes
WeLEARN - both sides learn about the conflicts/disputes & their root-causes for solutions
WeSHARE - both sides ask for the third party to give objective perspectives for lasting solutions
We360 (2) - how the gap in employees/employers' perceptions is filled is studied in 360 degree
WeACT - both sides agree on the lasting solutions and act on them
3. The five most fundamental labor rights in WE@WORK
WE@work aims to address dysfunctional conflicts & disputes at work through the most fundamental labor rights which serve as the foundation of stable, harmonious & respectful relationship:

Freedom of Associations
Collective Bargaining
Child Labor
Forced Labor
4. The four most fundamental employment functions in WE@WORK
WE@work aims to address dysfunctional conflicts & disputes at work through the most fundamental employment functions:

Working hours
OSH - Occupational Safety & Health
Based on its rich experiences & real-time interventions with both employers & employees in hundreds of workplaces, Respect Vietnam has been pioneering in addressing unfair labor practices, including GBV & sexual harassment, at lens of both groups of beneficiaries of Integrated Conflict/Innovation Management.

The Project was supposed to introduce the similar EASYFORM approach “Worker Guidance on How to Use EASYFORM Suggestion Boxes” that RespectVN developed since 2013, together with other tools developed afterwards. Click in the button below for more information
Click in the button below for more information
"There are no great organizations.
There are only great people who make great organizations"
Respect Vietnam prepares purpose-driven leaders
& people-centric organizations
in the face of the fast-changing world of work
